CEC for Agriculture chaired a meeting in Kisumu for NARIGP(National Agriculture and Rural inclusive Growth project.

CEC for Agriculture chaired a meeting in Kisumu for NARIGP(National Agriculture and Rural inclusive Growth project.

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Kisumu, 8th October, 2019

CEC for Agriculture Hon.Mathews Makanda today chaired a meeting in Kisumu for NARIGP(National Agriculture and Rural inclusive Growth project.
NARIGP is a 5year project financed by the National government , World Bank and County government , started in 2017, with the aim of increasing Agricultural productivity and profitability of targeted rural communities in selected counties.Makanda urged the stakeholders present to ensure productivity in the program. “We should ensure by end of 2nd quarter there is a clear plan in implementing all the activities that were pending in the previous financial year.There should be an impact on the ground” He noted.

Bungoma county is one of the 21 counties implementing the NARIGP project,in 20 wards in 5 sub counties.
The project has 4 main components among them: supporting Community Driven development, strengthening producer organisation and value chain development, supporting county community led development and Project Coordination and management.

The CEC also brought to the attention of members the need for them to come up with a way forward to push the project to another level and ensure utilisation of funds given,noting that world Bank is one project at the heart of H.E the Governor.
Present during the meeting were chief officers for Agriculture Mr.John Wasike, Chief officer Cooperatives Madam Sella Mutsotso , committee members and NARIGP staff members.


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